Entity Grant



The Entity Grant provides support for entities of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. in their efforts to host quality programs and events that promote their Mission, Vision, and Purpose. Grants are allocated for events and programs that are hosted during the Spring 2022 semester.

Eligibility & Award Criteria

The Entity Grant provides support for entities of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. in their efforts to host quality programs and events that promote their Mission, Vision, and Purpose. Grants are allocated for events and programs that are hosted during the Spring 2022 semester.

Covered Expenses:

Funds may be applied to any line item in the budget submitted with the application.

Review Process and Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be reviewed and awarded by the Entity Grant Review committee. 

Participant Expectations:

Grantees will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Timeliness with application and disbursements. 

  • Full transparency with the use of funds, including receipts, when requested.

  • Consistency and adherence to marketing plan and budget submitted with the application.

Application Materials

  • Applications and instructions will be distributed directly to presidents and chairs of entities of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated.


