SLGEF grants $20,000 in relief

To our Members,

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably impacted our community, our country and the world, uprooting our way of life as we know it. We stand with you throughout these difficult times and will not let this virus affect who we are as a sisterhood: empowered women leading the world.

As a Foundation that serves to support academic achievement, we also remain deeply committed to serving our global community, especially in times of extreme need. To address the systemic inequities that have been made clear by this crisis, we will come to the aid of our undergraduate members whose educational endeavors have been impacted due to this unforeseen pandemic. 

The Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation will donate a total of $20K in relief to undergraduate entities.

Now more than ever, we believe that we can mobilize the giving power of our members to change the world. As a philanthropic organization, we rally you all to provide active support to our human welfare by sharing knowledge from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), supporting your communities however you can and championing those fighting on the front lines, especially our members.

On our 30th year anniversary as an organization, we remember our predecessors and the leadership they exhibited so that we could be the sorority we are today. We implore our members to stay safe and healthy. Our time for resilience is now; to rise and overcome for our members in the future.

If you wish to increase the impact of our giving, please contribute to our Everyday Giving Campaign.

In Sisterhood,
Diana, Shara, Natalia, and Crystal
The Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation Board of Trustees


Frontline Gammas in Healthcare