Interested in Being on the Board of Trustees?

Are you interested in giving back by becoming a part of the Education Foundation? Applications are open! As some of our current board members transition out, we are excited to expand on talents that new members will bring in.


A Board of Trustees has a duty to manage the business and affairs of Sigma Lambda Gamma Education Foundation (SLGEF) in accordance with articles of incorporation, bylaws and other documents and the foundation policies in meeting the goals and objectives of the organization. 

Trustees are stewards who act on behalf of a foundation's constituents, including funders, members, and donors. The Board has the principal responsibility for the fulfillment of the Foundation's mission and the legal accountability for its operations. As a group, they are in charge of establishing a clear mission, forming the strategic plan to accomplish the mission, overseeing and evaluating the plan's success, ensuring financial solvency of the organization, interpreting and representing the foundation, and instituting a fair system of policies and procedures for trustees as applicable to foundation operations. 

The SLGEF serves as the philanthropic arm of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Our mission, vision, and activity serve to support the purpose and principles of Sigma Lambda Gamma.

Length of Term 

Trustees are selected to serve for a term of three years, beginning in January of the calendar year of which the trustee is selected. Trustees are eligible to serve multiple terms in accordance with SLG EF procedures. 

Meetings and Time Commitment 

  • Meetings are monthly via teleconference. Meetings typically last 90 minutes. 

  • Trustees will also be asked to lead or serve on subcommittees as needed. 

  • Board members are required to attend a minimum of 75% of monthly teleconferences per year, in accordance with our general expectations. Attendance at special events will be evaluated as they are determined. 

Fundraising-specific Expectations of Trustees

Foundation Trustees consider the Foundation a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that the Foundation can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, it expects to have 100 percent of Trustees make an annual contribution that is commensurate with their financial ability. 

In addition, the Foundation expects each Trustee to utilize their time, industry and personal contacts and other resources to educate and make asks of prospect organizations, corporations, and individuals. 

Individual Trustee Functions and Responsibilities

  • Fiduciary duty:  This is a duty to act honestly, in good faith, and with a view to the best interests of the Foundation. Inherent in the fiduciary duty of a trustee is the responsibility to understand the requirements of the duty to disclose under the conflict of interest policies of the organization and common law and to understand and adhere to the duty of confidentiality. 

  • Duty of care:  A Trustee is required to exercise the care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. This is the Trustee’s duty of care. This requires Trustees to take the time necessary to make informed business judgments.

  • Due diligence:  This is the review and investigation/research that the Trustees conduct before coming to a decision on a particular matter or issue. This includes significant reliance on good information, external advisors, on financial statements and on SLG Headquarter staff. 



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